5 Reasons Why You Need to Study Abroad

November 6, 2020by lhadmin2

Studying abroad is not just an academic experience, it is a life-changing one. Reasons why you need to study abroad? Do you remember moving from one school to another during your primary-secondary school days? How you didn’t like it because of the friends you left behind?

Now that’s what it feels like to study abroad. It presents to you a different side to life laden with even more opportunities.

This article explores the benefits of studying abroad. Be rest assured that by the time you are done reading you’d be motivated to study abroad. Here are 5 reasons why you need to make that a reality:


One of the main reasons people consider studying abroad is the desire to not just get educated but to get quality education. You would agree that your country’s educational system might be good. It is not necessarily the best in terms of facility, funding, curators, and so on.

So, the opportunity to study in a country where the educational standard is enviable. Also the quality of graduates churned out is amazing, and it is something every student should clamour for. Finally, education is the best legacy but, the quality of that legacy is largely dependent on the quality of education one is exposed to.


Also, studying abroad affords you the opportunity to get a different feel and exposure in your field that may not be obtainable in your home country. How so? The teachers or lecturers are not from your home country, have different personal and professional experiences garnered as a result of their research (not conducted in your home country) but where they are domiciled.


Going to study abroad also opens you up to the prospects of learning a new language, especially if the host country communicates primarily in that language. While it may be difficult at first, constant practice and interaction with locals and fellow students should ease the process.

By learning a new foreign language, you become bilingual or multilingual, as the case may be. While you are still a student you could freelance as a translator or writer for organisations. You can also get a job at an embassy or any place where proficiency in that language is required. In other words, it boosts your employability status.

Therefore, relating with people over there would become easy-peasy and is bound to catalyse your integration into the society. It also means that you can easily blend into any country of the world that speaks that language. Let’s say you visit France, and you learnt French. You won’t have any issue with language barrier when you visit other French speaking countries.


If you do a survey of radio stations in Nigeria you would discover that a good number of On-Air Personalities paraded are mostly those with foreign education. And how can you tell? Their accent is a good place to start.

Let’s talk about Nigeria. In a country like Nigeria where the search for employment has become like the search for the cure for AIDS, the edge that studying abroad provides is something to consider seriously.


YES!!! Except you are an introvert, meeting new people around the world is also one of the reasons why you need to study abroad. Whenever there is a change of environment there is the pain that comes with leaving old friends but also, in due time, comes the joy of making new ones. Studying abroad exposes you to people who you come to recognize as your friends.

These friends, in many ways contribute to your life on different fronts, making you a better you; what does the good book say about iron sharpening iron?


All you just have to do is keep in touch with them and ‘use’ them when the need arises. Yes! Use them, after all, a friend in need is a friend indeed.

These friendships will also afford you the opportunity to learn more about the people and their culture faster because they would be eager to hold you by the hand and show you the ropes.


Obafemi Awolowo once said, ‘no man is greater than his ideas’. in the same way, we all aspire for what we see or deem achievable within our environment. Our ambitions basically revolve around what is obtainable where we are.

Studying abroad, however, exposes you to a wealth of ideas and inquisitions that are interesting enough to change your aspirations. Studying abroad exposes you to new ideas and engagements that you wouldn’t have dreamt about if you remained in your home country.

For instance, it has become somewhat lucrative to become a tattooer in the west but not here in Africa. The bottom line: There is absolutely nothing wrong with studying in one’s home country. Nothing whatsoever. We hope we have given you enough reasons on why you need to study abroad. However, when you consider the immense benefits of studying abroad you can’t but prefer the latter. Make a conscious decision to give yourself the best education and exposure for a better and more fulfilling life.


  • Debby

    May 23, 2022 at 7:58 pm

    What a nice article.


    • jamess2940

      May 26, 2022 at 12:50 pm

      Thanks, kindly share to help others


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